Prescription Drug Enroll

Medicare Prescription Drug Enrollment Request

Welcome to the enrollment request page.   

Before you enroll in a stand-alone Medicare Prescription Drug plan, make sure you understand all your options and how the plan you want to enroll works (including any deductibles, copays, coinsurance and out-of-pocket cost).  Make sure you understand the Coverage Gap (also known as the Donut Hole).   Unless you are enrolling in a Medicare Supplement, you can get  better drug coverage with a Medicare Advantage Plan at no additional cost (you must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium).   If you still have questions, contact me or read about stand-alone Medicare Prescription Plan and/or about Medicare Advantage Plan.

I personally look at each enrollment request and will contact you for the steps necessary to complete the enrollment.  Each company have their own procedures for enrollment.   Once you submit the information, allow me between 24 and 48 business hours to response (does not include weekend and holidays).  Feel free to also Contact me if you have questions.

Please Note:  I am a licensed Agent in Colorado only.  You must be a resident of Colorado to request an enrollment.  However, I am looking into getting licenses in other states in the future.  If you like what you see in my website and would like me to expand to your states, send me a request.

prescription drug plan ENROLLMENT

Step 1 of 7